Category Archives: Tips

Making the Most of Your Lounge at Christmas

If you’re looking for some Christmas interior design ideas, you’ve come to the right place, and with not a moment to spare before the big day itself arrives. Many of us are making those final preparations for family and friends to come and visit – and that’s likely to put our lounges and living rooms […]

Choosing the Right Sofa

The array of different sofas available to choose from these days is simply staggering, and while that may seem daunting at first, it should be embraced as a good thing, as it means there is an excellent chance of finding something that’s a perfect fit for your room, at the right price to meet your […]

Creating the Perfect Bathroom for You

  Your bathroom is one of your home’s most functional rooms, so it’s important to get it right – but unfortunately, many people are daunted by worries about water and steam, and can end up designing a space that’s totally waterproof, but can also look quite clinical. If you’d prefer something more welcoming and comfortable, […]

10 Ways to Bring the Outdoors Inside

The boundary between the indoors and the outside world is one many of us like to blur from time to time, whether to feel closer to nature, or just to freshen up our homes during the winter months. Here are ten of the best – and easiest – ways to give your interiors that outdoor […]

Adding Living Room Finishing Touches

What makes a room? Four walls and a ceiling, some windows and a door? Maybe it’s not really a room until it’s decorated – floor covered, walls painted or papered, and so on…? But beyond that, you can’t really start to use or enjoy a room until it’s properly furnished; without furniture, it’s just an […]

Tips On Selecting The Right Flooring

Your sofa, armchairs and other furniture are the stars of the show in your living room – and the same is true elsewhere in your home, where your bed or dining table takes the spotlight. So it’s only right that, to show them off at their best and complement the level of comfort you feel […]

Selecting The Right Lighting For Your Home

Interior design is about function as well as appearance, and once you’re done choosing the furniture and finishes – paint, wallpaper, curtains, carpets etc – for your room, one thing you should never neglect is the lighting. On the tightest of budgets, there is nothing wrong with relying on a single ceiling bulb, but if […]

How To Create A Welcoming Atmosphere

What do you think of when you think of a ‘welcoming’ atmosphere in a person’s home? Is it the smell of freshly ground coffee, or the faint sound of classical music playing in the other room? Is it about them having stocked up on fresh fruit juices, cakes and snacks for you, or even having […]