Huge savings on warm-colored sofas! Shop our clearance collection of red, orange, and yellow pieces. Limited stock available. Ex-showroom & photoshoot models. Non-returnable. Contact us for details.
H90cm D98cm W217cm
H84cm, D100cm, W211cm - Double Wrap Interiors
H90cm, D100cm, W240cm, Chaise Length: 163cm
3.5str - H90cm, D100cm, W222cm. 1.5str - H90cm, D100cm, W125cm
H86cm, D100cm, W172cm
H86cm, D100cm, W172cm - Faded leather on arms
Height: 86cm, Depth: 100cm, Width: 275cm, Length: 163cm - Ex photoshoot
H88cm D98cm W184cm - Siliconised Fibre Cushions
H86cm, D100cm, W179cm - Double Wrap Cushions - Slight cushion pudling
Ex Photoshoot Height: 84cm Depth: 100cm Width: 260cm Length: 180cm
H90cm, D100cm, W222cm, Chaise Length: 163cm
2str - H90cm, D101cm, W160cm. Chr - H90cm, D101cm, W100cm. Minor Marks
H90cm D101cm W100cm - Minor Mark
H65cm, D100cm, W100cm - Non rubbed leather